The city square, a fusion of complex programs and user groups, serves the evolving needs of town life and civic identity. The Jonestown Civic Center merges a city hall, market, library and hotel into a central location by providing an architectural corridor that journeys through the project, exposing the diverse program activities. Sited adjacent to a busy state highway, this project offers an internal organization that supports the serendipitous relationships of small town life.


The architectural corridor, supported by the timber skin, reveals at critical locations, ushering movement through the site and vistas to the adjacent landscape. Moving from place to place along this path, visitors witness civic action in practice while conducting their daily life. Transitioning from daytime to nighttime use, the civic center allows visitors to continue to occupy for public and private events, allowing the community to make the most of the facility throughout the year. By serving multiple user groups, the civic center reaches its goal of providing a democratic space for civic life to flourish.